Postcode: 48170 Street: Ibaizabal Bidea - Edificio 501B Number: 1 GLA: 3.977 sqm Age: 2012 Max.Rent.Area: 3.977 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 200 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Laida Bidea - Edificio 407 Number: 1 GLA: 9.664 sqm Age: 2012 Max.Rent.Area: 6.000 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 250 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Ibaizabal Bidea - Edificio 801 Number: 1 GLA: 5.400 sqm Age: 2004 Max.Rent.Area: 790 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 130 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Laida Bidea - Edificio 208 Number: 1 GLA: 3.962 sqm Age: 1993 Max.Rent.Area: 473 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 262 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Laida Bidea - Edificio 207 Number: 1 GLA: 8.424 sqm Age: 1993 Max.Rent.Area: 897 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 192 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Laida Bidea - Edificio 206 Number: 1 GLA: 4.405 sqm Age: 1993 Max.Rent.Area: 466 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 195 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Laida Bidea - Edificio 205 Number: 1 GLA: 11.731 sqm Age: 1996 Max.Rent.Area: 2.850 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 1.425 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 48170 Street: Kanala Bidea - Edificio 105 Number: 1 GLA: 4.761 sqm Age: 1991 Max.Rent.Area: 675 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 375 sqm Rent: 11,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 0 years Source: Advert: |
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