Address Line 2: Devant Poble Postcode: 43427 Street: Polígono 7 Parcela 46 Number: 0 Land area: 122.614 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 214.852 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Los Albardiales Postcode: 45340 Street: Camino de la Cantera Number: 0 Land area: 738.775 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 1.748.991 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Puig de la Palma Postcode: 17257 Street: Punta Milá Number: 0 Land area: 220.316 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 264.276 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 1 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Las Islas Postcode: 09889 Street: Carretera Ecija-Herrera Number: 0 Land area: 4.362.800 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 6.929.599 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Muruarte de Reta Postcode: 31398 Street: Mayor Number: 0 Land area: 231.434 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 471.433 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Son Olivaret Postcode: 07769 Street: Carretera Cap d'Artrutx, Km. 7 Number: 0 Land area: 307.300 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 1.258.870 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 4 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Vegadotos Postcode: 33616 Street: Al Vegadotos Number: 67 Land area: 228 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 3.282 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 14 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Pons y Ferrer Postcode: 08212 Street: Poligono 15 Number: 58 Land area: 1.078 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 21.000 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 19 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Biescas Postcode: 22630 Street: N-330 Km.34,2 Number: 0 Land area: 36.734 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 195.616 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 5 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Parc natural S'Albufera des Grau Postcode: 07702 Street: - Number: - Land area: 490.000 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 868.222 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Sur Postcode: 45685 Street: - Number: - Land area: 55.212 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 49.541 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 1 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Estación Postcode: 45684 Street: - Number: - Land area: 6.169 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 7.039 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 1 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Estación Postcode: 45684 Street: - Number: - Land area: 38.579 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 43.732 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 1 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Estación Postcode: 45684 Street: - Number: - Land area: 13.231 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 12.018 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 1 € Source: Advert: |
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