- Mall / Park Name:Pegaso City
- GLA total:20.161 sqm
- Minimum rental area:10.000 sqm
- Maximum rental area:20.161 sqm
- No. of floors:8
- Facade:650 m
- No. of parking spaces:250
- Free Height:2.70 m
- Raised FloorYes
- False CeilingYes
- Doorman / RecepcionistYes
- Number of lifts:8
- Access ControlYes
- Air ConditioningYes
- Close-circuit TVYes
- Security (12/24 Hours):24 Hours

Financial details
- Average Rent:9,00 €/sqm & month
- Bills includedNo
- Contract period:10 years
- Mandatory period:5 years
- Deposit:2 months
- Rental guarantee:12 months
- Delivery period (e.g. 2015):2015
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Property location

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