- GLA total:27.096 sqm
- Office GLA:1.822 sqm
- Facade:350 m
- Height:15 m
- Maximum Height:15 m
- Fire prevention systemYes
- Age (year of construción):2010
- No. of bays:34
- N° of Sectors:10
- Average Sector GLA:2.700 sqm
- Roof:Deck
Financial details
- Price sale:15.680.000 €
- Price sale /sqm:579 €/sqm
- Logistcs warehouse in Zaragoza, in the Plaza industrial estate. The warehouses cover 27,096 m2, with 11,170 m2 of floor space for the refrigerated logistics warehouse rented to Mercadona S.A and the remaining 15,926 m2 for the traditional logistics and APQ warehouse rented out to Kuehne Nagel S.A. The roof of the Kuehne Nagel warehouse is rented out to the company Solavanti S.A. See the VIDEO for more details.
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Property location

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