- GLA total:8.635 sqm
- Buildability:12.345 m²
- No. of floors:5
- Age (year of construción):1900
- Urbanistic key:APE 09.18
- Compatible Uses:Offices, Administrative, Health care, Cultural, Social-Cultural, Education, Sport, Religious
- Facade:100 m
Financial details
- Price sale:16.006.868 €
- Price sale /sqm:1.297 €/sqm
- Bids due date:06/11/2017 14:00
- Remaining time:
Bidding closed
- Auction date:15/11/2017 10:00
- Lugar:Santa Engracia, 125
- Building to auction in Madrid, Arguelles district, mail universitary zone in Madrid. 8.635 sqm building with buildability of 12.345 sqm. For building details watch VIDEO. Current urbanistic use: "Public Equipment" (formerly "Private Equipment", Hermanitas de los Pobres Hospital & Senior Residence). Any change in use through an "Special Plan" according APE 09.18 (specific urbanistic planning applicable). Integral refurbishment needed. Free of any charge. Technical and legal DUE DILLIGENCE with realiance letter included in TERM SHEET.
Properties maybe of interest
Property location

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