Address Line 2: Los Angeles Postcode: 03010 Street: Colombia Number: 5 Land area: 1.057 sqm Land occupation: 898 sqm Buildability: 7.191 sqm Price: 671.029 € Price / sqmb: 93 € Price / sqmp: 635 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Prosperidad Postcode: 03600 Street: Amadeo Vives Number: 4 Land area: 406 sqm Land occupation: 406 sqm Buildability: 2.030 sqm Price: 172.131 € Price / sqmb: 85 € Price / sqmp: 424 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 03203 Street: Sindicatos Number: 0 Land area: 284 sqm Land occupation: 284 sqm Buildability: 1.135 sqm Price: 465.636 € Price / sqmb: 410 € Price / sqmp: 1.640 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Playa San Juan Postcode: 03540 Street: Avda. San Sebastián Number: 33 GLA: 4.577 sqm Age: 2004 Rent: 5,28 €/sqm & month Yield: 7,14 % Price: 4.060.000 € Price / sqmb: 887 € Contract: 2027 Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: - Postcode: 03330 Street: Autovía Alicante-Murcia, Km. 722,4 Number: - GLA: 30.000 sqm Age: 1995 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 5.700.000 € Price / sqmb: 190 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: - Postcode: 03400 Street: Carretera Alicante Km,40 Number: 1 GLA: 38.200 sqm Age: 1995 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 1.100.000 € Price / sqmb: 29 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: - Postcode: 03639 Street: Autovía de Alicante Number: 1 GLA: 40.000 sqm Age: 1992 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 3.500.000 € Price / sqmb: 88 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
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