Postcode: 21001 Street: Tomás Domínguez Number: 35 GLA: 8.875 sqm Age: 2009 Max.Rent.Area: 1.361 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 52 sqm Rent: 6,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 2 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 21002 Street: Paseo de la Glorieta Number: 8 GLA: 1.900 sqm Age: 1994 Max.Rent.Area: 400 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 300 sqm Rent: 7,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 2 years Source: Advert: |
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