Postcode: 41011 Street: Avenida República Argentina Number: 25 GLA: 35.000 sqm Age: 1973 Max.Rent.Area: 5.000 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 132 sqm Rent: 10,00 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 2 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 41003 Street: Angel Gelán Number: 2 GLA: 16.500 sqm Age: 2006 Max.Rent.Area: 520 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 85 sqm Rent: 15,00 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 2 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 41490 Street: Avenida Arboleda Number: 1 GLA: 8.750 sqm Age: 2015 Max.Rent.Area: 2.675 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 76 sqm Rent: 6,00 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 2 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 41092 Street: Albert Einstein Number: 1 GLA: 8.125 sqm Age: 2008 Max.Rent.Area: 1.176 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 119 sqm Rent: 12,50 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: Yes Contract: 2 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 41011 Street: Carretera Esclusa Number: 15 GLA: 3.075 sqm Age: 2008 Max.Rent.Area: 1.000 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 190 sqm Rent: 9,00 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 1 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 41011 Street: Carretera de la Esclusa Number: 15 GLA: 8.000 sqm Age: 2005 Max.Rent.Area: 8.000 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 2.000 sqm Rent: 4,00 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 1 years Source: Advert: |
Postcode: 41002 Street: San Juan de Ribera Number: 8 GLA: 11.000 sqm Age: 2007 Max.Rent.Area: 6.000 sqm Min.Rent.Area: 50 sqm Rent: 5,00 €/sqm & month Price: - Bills included: No Contract: 1 years Source: Advert: |
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