Rural Hotel for sale in San Esteban de Gormaz, Quintanas Rubias de Abajo

Rural Hotel for sale in San Esteban de Gormaz, Quintanas Rubias de Abajo

Street Real, 31, 42345, San Esteban de Gormaz (Soria)+ View more
  • Address Line 2: Quintanas Rubias de Abajo 
  • Distance to nearest town center: 85 Km 
  • Nearest motorway: N-122 

  • Guru's corner

    7 steps to manage hotels

    • Addmeet Investment, Hotel rural For sale in San Esteban de Gormaz


    • GLA total:650 sqm
    • No. of floors:3
    • Age (year of construción):2009
    • No. of rooms:15
    • Star rating:3

    Financial details

    • Price sale:475.000 €
    • Price sale /sqm:731 €/sqm

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    Price history

    ¡This property has dropped 36.7% in relation to the initial price!